
21 августа 2012 - Админ

    Since the introduction of version 4 DIALux can calculate daylight. No special mode is necessary for this. In exterior scenes daylight can be calculated basically, and in interiors whenever windows or skylights exist in the room. As a base for the calculation the DIN 5034 and the CIE publication 110 were used. The sky dome is divided into parameterised luminous surfaces, which get a luminance depending on the sky model, location, date and time. By the option "use direct sunlight" it is also calculated with the sun as a light source. The calculation occurs in the following steps:

    1. Calculation of the skylight on all surfaces (inside and outside)
    2. Calculation of the direct sunlight on all surfaces
    3. Calculation of the direct light of luminaires (if available)
    4. Calculation of the indirect component

    DIALux does not differentiate between inside and outside calculations; all surfaces are simply used for the radiative interchange. If you want to do a daylight calculation in DIALux, a suitable light scene must be inserted.

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