Helping areas defined in the ruler

24 августа 2012 - Админ

    In ground plan, front and side view there are rulers located on the left and on the top of the CAD window. This ruler will show you the mouse position in X-Y, X-Z and Y-Z direction. From this ruler you can generate helping areas which are defined in a specific position and are useful to align objects to.

Creating helping areas in the ruler
    Fig. 271 Creating helping areas in the ruler

    You can create those helping areas by double clicking in the position of the ruler or drag and drop the helping area from the ruler into the CAD. It is called helping area because it is active in two dimensions. If you place a helping area in the ground plan view parallel two the Xaxis, it will be available in the side view as a parallel line facing from top to bottom as well. If you place a helping area parallel to the Y axis, it will be visible in the front view. Having them available in two views makes it easy to place objects not only in a desired position but also in a correct height.
    If there are already objects in the CAD window available, the helping areas can be snapped to those objects as well.

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