Help grids

30 августа 2012 - Админ

    In addition to the help lines it is also possible to insert help grids into the scene. To start this action, click on the insert help grid icon.

Insert a help grid
    Fig. 285 Insert a help grid

    In the inspector start and end point as well as the grid angle and the grid distance can be adjusted. In the graphical way, first the start point has to be defined with the first click. The second click defines the position of the end of the first axis of the grid. The third click has to be made in a distance perpendicular to the second point to define the width of the grid area. Initially the grid distance is set to 0.625m. This value can be changed in the inspector or graphically by moving the dragger next to the start point.

Defining a help grid
    Fig. 286 Defining a help grid

    The grid has snap points on each edge, on the lines in half the grid length and in the middle of each grid element.

Snap points on the help
    Fig. 287 Snap points on the help

    Of course it is possible to place grids in other grids. This is useful if a luminaire arrangement should be placed within one ceiling element.

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