Lamp PlugIns

14 августа 2012 - Админ

    DIALux includes a lamp PlugIn interface. After selecting a luminaire from the luminaire catalogue, you can select the correct lamp for this fitting. Luminaire PlugIns only offer standard equipment data for the luminaires. The numerous variations of the same lamp type makes it absolutely necessary to select the exact lamp type which will be used in the installation. Some of the luminaire PlugIns directly offers the possibility to select the correct lamps from a lamp PlugIn for the desired luminaire. If this feature is not (yet) integrated in the luminaire PlugIn, the lamp PlugIn can be started directly from DIALux. Lamp PlugIns have to be installed by the user like the luminaire PlugIns. DIALux offers for both lamp and luminaire PlugIns some demonstration data in the user database and in the DIALux Demo Lamp database.

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