The CAD Window

15 августа 2012 - Админ

3D view of a room
    Fig. 32 3D view of a room

Ground plan view of a room
    Fig. 33 Ground plan view of a room

    In addition to the 3D and ground plan views, you can also use the side and front view for interactive planning.
    The CAD window is used for the interactive lighting design. With the mouse, you can graphically rotate, zoom, move and roam the room, the street or the exterior scene. The PAN or move option can always be accessed via the middle mouse button. The Zoom option is assigned to the wheel (if using a wheel mouse).
    The right mouse button is very important when working with DIALux. Depending on the selected object, the program mode and the working area, different important options can be accessed.

Right mouse button
    Fig. 34 Right mouse button

    Please note:
    Open context menu with right mouse button!

    Additionally you can move, scale, rotate or select objects inside or outside the room. Right-click to access a context menu.

3D CAD window context menu
    Fig. 35 3D CAD window context menu

Ground plan view context menu
    Fig. 36 Ground plan view context menu

    In the project manager you can right-click inside the room to select the 3D or the ground plan view. If more than one CAD window is open, you can arrange them as desired via the Window menu. If the window is full screen, you can change to another view via the tabs at the top of the screen. Simultaneously working in multiple windows is only recommended when working with a high screen resolution and a good display adapter.
    If an object has been inserted into a room, its context menu can also be accessed with a right-click.

Context menu of a selected object
    Fig. 37 Context menu of a selected object

    Please note:
    The red rotation point enables a rotation around the red axis, likewise the blue and the green rotation points enable rotations around the blue and green axis respectively.

    If the Rotate option is activated, the object can be rotated by clicking and rotating the point on the boom. The red rotation point enables a rotation around the red axis, likewise the blue and the green rotation points enable rotations around the blue and green axis respectively. Please keep in mind that the object has its own coordinate system. The object can be moved by clicking and pulling on the arrow cross.

    Please note:
    Context menus are accessed via the right mouse button and "Properties" in the Inspector via the left mouse button!

Context menu of a selected object

    New features since DIALux 4.4:
        • now you can switch via the tab key between the rotation mode and the scaling mode
        • the object can also be moved at the corners, then even the rotation in 2D will be positioned on adjacent surfaces

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