Create Furniture

17 августа 2012 - Админ

    You can create your own furniture by combining standard bodies. The following example of a small shelf describes the procedure.

Create furniture – Standard bodies
    Fig. 109 Create furniture – Standard bodies

    Modify the geometry of the cube in such a way that it corresponds to a bottom shelf by using the Property Page.

Create furniture – Modify the dimensions
    Fig. 110 Create furniture – Modify the dimensions

    Subsequently you can copy the bottom shelf and move it to the desired position. Possibly the height (Z-axis) will need modifying.

Create furniture – Copy
    Fig. 111 Create furniture – Copy

    Afterwards you can generate the side panels and position them correctly. Subsequently select all side panels and shelves and combine them via the right mouse button. Combining is very important particularly for the calculation. Otherwise DIALux will include each surface into the calculation, even those surfaces which are actually covered and no longer visible.

Create furniture – Combine
    Fig. 112 Create furniture – Combine

    You can save furniture by using the context menu File → Export function → Save Furniture. That way it is possible to use furniture in another project again.

Create furniture – Export furniture
    Fig. 113 Create furniture – Export furniture

    Now you can see your saved furniture in the furniture tree (if necessary this must be updated once by changing into the Project manager and then back again into the furniture tree). From there you can move them at any time, like all other furniture, into a room or exterior scene via Drag & Drop into your CAD windows.

Create furniture – Saved furniture
    Fig. 114 Create furniture – Saved furniture

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