Inserting Luminaire Fields

20 августа 2012 - Админ

    Luminaire fields can be positioned either by selecting the Insert Luminaire Field option in The Guide or the Luminaire Arrangement Wizard → Field Arrangement option. If you select a room and then perform a rightclick, the context menu for that room opens. Here you can also select the Insert → Field Arrangement option. The Wizard sequentially queries all important parameters that must be entered.
    If you use one of the options with which the luminaire field is entered manually, the Inspector displays, in addition to the luminaire field, a Paste and a Cancel button.

Insert luminaire fields without wizard
    Fig. 140 Insert luminaire fields without wizard

    Until you click Paste, only the rubber band indicating the field arrangement is visible. You can modify all parameters in the Property Pages before or after inserting the field.
    To edit a luminaire field, select it in the tree or in the CAD view. If you click on a luminaire in the field, all luminaires in the field are selected by default. If you wish to edit individual luminaires, you first have to change the selection filter.
    The following filters can be selected (from left):
    • Allow or restrict the selection of luminaire arrangements
    • Allow or restrict the selection of individual luminaires within an arrangement
    • Allow or restrict the selection of rotatable luminaire parts
    • Allow or restrict the selection of furniture
    • Allow or restrict the selection of surfaces
    • Allow or restrict the selection of windows, doors, calculation surfaces
    • Allow or restrict the selection of calculation points

Manipulating a luminaire within an arrangement
    Fig. 141 Manipulating a luminaire within an arrangement

    The figure above illustrates how individual luminaires within a field arrangement can be modified. The selection filter allows the selection of individual luminaires. The luminaire position is unchanged. This option, for example, can be useful when directing individual spotlights in a luminaire arrangement towards furniture pieces.
    In the Inspector the luminaire properties can be changed. Here it is possible to select the arrangement type and the dimensioning type of luminaire fields.

Selecting the arrangement type of a luminaire field
    Fig. 142 Selecting the arrangement type of a luminaire field

    The selected arrangement type, as well as the dimensioning, influences the field properties.

Effect of arrangement type and dimensioning type on the luminaire field dimensions
    Fig. 143 Effect of arrangement type and dimensioning type on the luminaire field dimensions

    The arrangement type is also taken into account when the luminaire fields are edited via CAD.

Luminaire field insert frames depending on the arrangement type
    Fig. 144 Luminaire field insert frames depending on the arrangement type

    In the CAD ground plan view, three possible edit or insert frames for the luminaire field are shown. When the Symmetrical Within arrangement type is selected, the outer blue broken line appears. The frame in the middle appears when Outer Edge to Outer Edge and the innermost red frame correspondingly appears with the Luminaire Centre to Luminaire Centre selection. The dimensioning of the luminaires and of the start and end point of the field correspondingly changes. You can change the extent of the luminaire field via the mouse. To do this, right-click on the field (in the tree or in the CAD). By pulling on a line or on a corner coordinate, you can change the extent, just like you can do with the furniture. Please note that the amount and, of course, the size of the luminaires remain the same.

Luminaires used in the arrangement
    Fig. 145 Luminaires used in the arrangement

    The luminaires in an arrangement can also be manipulated subsequently. As you can see in the illustration above, the luminaires and the lamps used in the field can be modified without having to delete the field.

Rotating the arrangement and the luminaires
    Fig. 146 Rotating the arrangement and the luminaires

    Both the rotation of the entire field as well as the rotation of the luminaires within the field can be modified numerically or graphically. To rotate a single luminaire within a field, it must be selected individually. Additionally there is the possibility to synchronize individual rotations.

Luminaire field position
    Fig. 147 Luminaire field position

    The position of a luminaire field can also be modified numerically or graphically.

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